
Monday, January 5, 2009

The Holiday Season

The holiday season seems to have had an impact on production of swinging meats. Not unexpected, but there is definitely more room for new sausages. Some of the new items that will be featured soon, NF lardo, NF ham, NF Salami, and NF Sopprassatta. NF is a local farm that we get a good bit of produce from, this fall they shared their bounty of ossabaw pigs with us. We received a good sized pig, and from there it was play time. The fat was snow white and creamy, the muscle a rosy pink. While there were great sucesses of salumi this fall, there were a few casualties... just a reminder that we need to learn more. 


bob mcgee said...

Ossabaw Hogs...Word, are they from Emille? glad to see you're back at it. best wishes

reiffosce said...

The hogs were not from Emile, although he has some nice ones, we just can't get them fresh here. These came from a farmer that grows them here locally and usually supplies us with awesome produce. His son was raising them in the woods, letting them be pigs.